
兒童 烤箱 菌菇 雞、鴨 食譜 麵條、麵粉

焗烤食譜-雞肉&菇Macaroni 焗烤

雞肉&菇Macaroni 焗烤雞肉&菇Macaroni 焗烤
焗烤的英文 gratin 它的原本的語言是法文,意思是焦燒的意思. 當然不用烤哪麼久. 表面變金黃色就OK了!! 它很燙! 吹吹吃ㄛ! *材料分類 飯&麺類

白醬(White sauce) 請參考 這裡

 (1)先煎雞肉, 像照片一樣, 表面煎好, 封住肉汁. 再放入洋蔥,香菇. 炒一下.
 (3)材料都已經熟,小火慢慢混在一起,讓個材料的味道合起來. 在放入煮好的麵. 調味道.
*白醬已經有味道, 如果不夠鹹的話,再加一點鹽巴.
(4)盤子上舖一點奶油,預防粘焦. 放入(3),上面放起司跟麵包粉.
*麵包粉會吸收起司的油, 變脆脆的口感.
 (5)烤箱,上火開, 把(4)放進去, 烤倒上面變金黃色.
*小心它很快焦!! 一直要看哦!!



*我還在學習中國語, 我寫的文章可能不太清楚, 大家請忍耐一下, f(^_^;) 我希望寫部落格能讓我的國語進步. 謝謝!!
*我寫的資料是以我自己的經驗. 知識為依據,僅供大家作為參考, 不負任何失敗的責任,請大家注意ㄛ!



  1. Penny says:

    Masa 你的網路不錯耶~~ 我喜歡有照片因為我看得比較清楚. 我看了都肚子餓了!! 我想試試雞肉&菇Macaroni 焗烤, 但想問一下幾個問題. 是哪一種cheese 還有烤箱溫度用多少跟大概烤多久啊?? 還有白醬是什麼啊?? 希望美國買的到,還是,是自己做的呢?? 加油 加油!!

  2. MASA

    HI Penny!! Thanks for your comment!! I wish I could answer all your questions in English or Japanese… but for many Taiwanese friends viwers’ sake,,,, here I go..
    謝謝你的Comment!! 對不起,我沒有寫清楚…. o( _ _ )o 起司, 我平常用Gruyère Cheese. 它是, 瑞士的
    cheese. 但是不一定要用這種的cheese 反正 用pizza cheese 就OK 了(v^ー°). 我記得,住在加拿大時候,
    我用 Swiss&Cheddar(切達乾酪) Cheese. 在美國一定買得到吧! 還有烤箱溫度,,馬上吃(裡面材料還熱)的話, 只要上火(好想美國的烤箱的話,應該有寫 broil )大概200度 時間 大約3~4分鐘.把它變金黃色. *但是,要注意! 盤子的高度 離heater(熱線?) 越近, 越快焦ㄛ! 還要看它是電力的或瓦斯的. 最後, 白醬 again 對不起, 我不知道國語叫什麼…英文叫Whitesauce 它是自己做的. 我本來有貼link(連接) 結果, 不見了. 請按 <材料> 的白醬旁邊有些 [請看這裡]. 我努力寫as 清楚as possible!! 常來看ㄛ!! ヽ(´▽`)/~♪

  3. Penny says:

    Masa, 謝謝你的解答! 我想應該清楚了~~ 只是那個白醬 如果我單用500cc的牛奶 味道跟有用鮮奶油有差別嗎?? 因為我不知道什麼是鮮奶油 哈哈 Sorry~ I’m so bad at this. I like to cook, but still learning. There are so many terms I don’t know! ^_^ Thank you so much!

  4. MASA
    Hi Penny! 當然可以單用牛奶. 加鮮奶油會加一個濃味. 其實,原本的做法不加鮮奶油.
    所以,Don’t worry! 妳方便就好了!! Just as a reference 鮮奶油 英文叫 Fresh Cream or
    Whipping Cream. 希望,你的Macaroni 成功. Good luck!! ヾ(^ o ^)ρ

  5. Penny says:

    I finally made this dish at home, and the white sauce is so good! ^_^ There was one question about this dish while I was cooking. Do I have to boil the Mac first or I put uncook Mac in the sauce? Because I used the dry mac, it took me awhile to cook the mac in the whitesauce. I’m just wondering if I was doing anything wrong, but, overall, it is really good! yummy~~ thank you so much!

    I’m so glad that you finally made it!! Let’s get to your question…Dry Macaroni, I remember there two types sold in North America. One is just a regular type before mix with sauce you have to boil. The other type is quick serving type, this one you don’t need to pre-boil, just directly mix with the sauce and put it in to the oven. I don’t know which type you were using. Anyways I apologize, I didn’t mention that part at all. (ー_ー;). The good thing is you enjoyed your dish!! I am so happy to have a comment like this. Keep at it!! Add Oil! = 加油!! ヽ(´▽`)/~♪

  6. 韋媽 says:

    今週末一早起來就想做做看這到焗飯. 小孩們都說ㄡ一喜, 稱讚是五星級飯店的料理, 真有點不好意思. 是真的很好吃. 只是我把白醬做的太稠了. 下次要稀一點更好.
    MASA老師您每次的料理步驟和圖片都很清楚, 我真覺得自己是大廚ㄟ. 謝謝. 我要繼續做您其它的料理, 也非常期待您的新料理喔

  7. 謝謝!! 我希望大家都覺得跟您一樣 “覺得自己是大廚”
    You guys are the great cheff!! ヽ(´▽`)/~♪

  8. Celine K says:

    Hi Masa San,

    Thanks for sharing the fantastic recipes. I love your recipes very much :)). I’ve tried the white sauce just now. It turns out great! Yummy & thumbs up. I don’t believe I can make the white sauce by myself. I used to buy the spaghetti sauce for my pasta. From today onwards I can save some penny for buying the white which is not so healthy as it contains a lot of preservative & msg. The most important thing is it’s yummy & easy to make. Once again, thank you so much!

  9. 請問一下通心麵可以改飯嗎?如果改飯的話又要怎麼煮呢?抱歉我是新手TAT

  10. Hi !

  11. 小靜 says:



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