
兒童 米飯 食譜

午餐食譜, 牛肉食譜-快炒料理!蒜香牛肉炒飯

午餐食譜, 牛肉食譜-快炒料理!蒜香牛肉炒飯

有一天我真想要吃炒飯. 但是不要做以前做過的樣子…I feel very much like having 炒飯! 看看有什麼食物可以用.. !!!NICE!!! 上次在COSTCO 那邊大量買的牛肉 還有冷凍飯… 冷凍庫+ZIPLOCK(密封袋) 最強的組合. 可以保存很多東西. 像今天, 突然想到要吃什麼 可以實現! ^^ Anyways, I‘ve got what I need,, 先解凍一下, 慢慢想做什麼口味的. 有時候我有說,, 好好聽食材的說話, 它會讓你知道,它想變成什麼料理…肚子太餓時候沒有辦法專心聽,在廚房一直瞪 牛肉片,,, this time ( ̄‥ ̄;) I ain’t hear nothing … 只有聽到我肚子 咕嚕咕嚕.. 反正我要做Beef Fried Rice! 開始動作!!

午餐食譜, 牛肉食譜-快炒料理!蒜香牛肉炒飯的材料 *材料分類 飯&麺類

牛肉片 Sliced beef ribs—1片(120g)
醬油 Soy sauce—2小匙
味淋 Mirin—3小匙
味噌 Miso—2小匙

蔥花 Chopped green onion—35g
白飯 Steamed rice—150g 炸蒜頭 Fried garlic—2小匙 奶油 Butter—適量

午餐食譜, 牛肉食譜-快炒料理!蒜香牛肉炒飯的做法

FILE (1) 無骨牛小排,, 切小塊.如果不是牛肉, You are welcome to 用其他的肉! 豬肉,雞肉 都OK!!

FILE (2) 調味料放在盆子裡,,As I say all the time, 調味料的分量這裡是參考的, 看自己用的醬油, 味噌 再調整喔~!!

FILE (3) 用攪拌器混合好,,

FILE (4) 肉丟進去, 拌一拌,, 醃5~10分鍾. 如果肚子太餓, 不想等,,<--是我! (≧∀≦;)/ That’s OK!! 馬上開始做!

FILE (5) 這次我有一個秘密武器! “油蒜酥” 因為, 上次買的蒜頭不小心弄壞掉了,, 外面太冷了,,不想要出去買,, 還好我有好朋友 Mr. Fried Garlic!!還有 油蔥紅頭 那個也很好用!!

FILE (6) 鍋子裡加入 “一點的” 奶油. 再加入油蒜酥.. OMG. 太香了!!肚子太餓, 變成太HIGH了, 結果加入太多奶油,, \(_ _;)

FILE (7) 後來加入醃好的 牛肉大火表面炒一下,,

FILE (8) 放入加熱好的冷凍白飯…不一定要用冷凍白飯ㄛ! 剛煮好的飯當然可以用~!!

FILE (9) 用木頭湯匙拌一拌. 肉&白飯混合好, 讓白飯吸收醃好的牛肉出來的汁,,, ( ̄¬ ̄)

FILE (10) 快炒好時候放入切末的蔥. 拌一下後,, 裝盤了!!跟一碗海苔,花蛋清湯,一起吃,, 太幸福了….

*我還在學習中國語, 我寫的文章可能不太清楚, 大家請忍耐一下, f(^_^;) 我希望寫部落格能讓我的國語進步. 謝謝!!


  1. Sammi says:

    thanks for sharing. I lived in USA. Your website is very important to me.

  2. lydai says:


  3. estan says:


  4. jesica says:


  5. Hey, Masa I have been following your blog for quite a while but this is the first time leaving a comment. Just wanna tell you that you have been doing a great job, I truly enjoy reading your blog, your recipes look so good and the instructions are so clear and easy to follow. And i especially like the little tips and helpful “POINTS” that’s included in the recipes. You have a true passion and great attitude towards cooking and food, I really appreciate that.
    By the way, I wanna tell you that your recipes gave me an opportunity to show my boy friend(an italian ,I was born in Hong Kong, currently in USA) some true japanese cuisine, since he claimed that he likes sushi alot(the american sushi =_=).

  6. Janis says:

    Hi Masa! Thanks for sharing :-)

    I have a question – you mentioned using frozen rice and beef, what is the best way to defrost meat quickly without end up cooking them or waiting for hours?

    I always end up looking like this /__\ when waiting for my meats to defrost…….

  7. \( `v’)/ woa!~ THX for sharing this one~
    I’ve dragged it into my “Easy Recipe” bookmark~ cuz i`m not good at cooking, especially fry, bake… :(

    But MASA san I have one question…

    Beef makes me nervous, cuz i`m a BIG FAN of soft food! but beef i cooked before was always a little bit hard…

    So what`s the point to make sure “beef will be so soft” ?~

    Since i found ur blog somewhere (forgot, but not important~)
    Then I plan to read them all and try to cook different cuisine everyday~

  8. Hi jesica!!
    沒錯! 但是, 奶油&蒜頭都很容易焦. 小火, 不要炒太久~!

  9. Hi Janis!!
    When I’m in a hurry, I would put frozen meat in a plastic bag and place under running water…
    To avoid this kind of problem, I normally pack in a flat shape and freeze.

  10. Hi Netty!
    I understand your feeling. Bought a slice of good looking beef, after cooking it, it gets so chewy, it stays in you mouth forever,, (ー_ー;) 
    The part of beef less likely to encounter chewy ones might be beef “ribs”
    it’s normally well marbled. easy to cook. less expensive..
    you can also try marinating! I have many “牛肉食譜”
    you can punch in the search box on the side bar!
    but, you still may want to remember not to over cook them! Enjoy your beef!! ^^

  11. Thanks for response~
    chewy beef… well, u just gets me!
    and hmmm…
    “ribs” i`m gotta try it tomorrow ^^

  12. wendy says:

    MASA! 十分感謝這份食譜,是我做到現在最簡單但是最好味道的炒飯了!我還加了洋蔥碎,味道非常濃郁,BF吃了都贊不絕口呢~另外請教海苔蛋花湯的做法,謝謝!

  13. ショー says:


  14. Yifan says:

    請問Masa這道菜是煮幾人份的呢? 看起來好像是一人份的…

  15. HI Yifan!
    沒錯! 是1人份的!! ^^

  16. Jade says:


    你非洲的粉絲! (沒錯在那麼遠都有粉絲唷!)

  17. 羊朵朵 says:


  18. Hi 羊朵朵!
    這次才可以做出來餐廳級味道!\( ^o^ )/

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