
其他主食 減肥 食譜

日本料理,減肥食譜-田楽風蒟蒻串[Skewered Konjak with Miso & Sesame sauce]

日本料理,減肥食譜-田楽風蒟蒻串[Skewered konjak with Miso & Sesame sauce ]

大家已經知道蒟蒻是減肥時候適合的食物. BUT, 它不是減肥藥. 沒有吃它就馬上瘦起來的效果.. 它會 “幫忙” 減肥作業. 它的食物繊維抑制吸収 脂肪&膽固醇. 之前介紹過,放入,雜炊.炒飯 吃 as “主菜” 這次我來介紹另外一個可以試試看的吃法! 因為有的朋友們還是要享受白飯, 麵, OR, 跟家人一起吃飯. 不能一直用蒟蒻做料理.. 那麼,,先吃蒟蒻 as “前菜”! 這樣子只要另外準備您自己吃的小盤蒟蒻前菜就好了. Oh,, 對,, 吃蒟蒻時候如果要更多的效果的話, 盡量一起喝多一點水. 水跟蒟蒻裡含有的纖維到您的胃時候開始膨脹 fill up 您的胃=満腹感! 後來吃飯時候不會想要吃很多.而且肚子裡有很多纖維. 移到腸那裡時候很會打掃. 可以解決 “便秘issue” And of course, 沒有要減肥的朋友們也可以享受這道料理! Again, 蒟蒻不是減肥藥. 大家都可以吃! (Unless you have particular medical conditions,,) 它可以當 下酒 or 裝在便當也很好! Summer is on its way, let’s start watching figure!!

日本料理,減肥食譜-田楽風蒟蒻串的材料 *材料分類 下酒,菜類

[材料] [2人份] 蒟蒻片 konjak—1片/1pc – 味噌 Miso—1大匙/1tbsp 味淋 Mirin—1大匙/1tbsp 砂糖 Sugar—1/2小匙/1/2tsp 白芝麻 White sesame—1大匙/1tbsp 水Water—1大匙/1tbsp


FILE (1) 我用比較習慣用灰色的蒟蒻, 用白色的也可以. I normally use konjak in grayish color, white one can be also used. See which ever the color you like!

FILE (2) 蒟蒻表面滑滑的. 比較不好上味道. 用刀子表面很淺的切(格子状) to let the konjak absorb the flavor easily, use a knife to score the surface in grid pattern.

FILE (3) 切小四方形 cut into square shape.大小看您喜歡的. 大一點,再小一點都可以. size can be varied at your preference. cut bigger or smaller any size you like!

FILE (4) 滾水裡面放入蒟蒻煮2~3分鍾 去掉腥味. to get rid of limy and rooty smell.. blanch the konjak for 2~3min.

FILE (5) 倒入網子裡面沖一沖後, 離乾. dump into a strainer, let it drain the excess water.不要一直泡在水裡面喔! 等一下要淋醬. 蒟蒻太濕醬會變太稀了.. do not to keep them in the water for too long. you want to have nice and dry pieces to let it catch the sauce on the surface.

FILE (6) 味噌這次我用[八丁味噌] 它是名古屋的紅味噌. 跟一般的紅味噌一樣. 比白味噌[西京味噌]鹹的. I am using Hacho Miso this time. it’s from the place called “Nagoya” it’s very similar to red miso. It’s saltier than white Miso or another way to call it Saikyo Miso (from Kyoto)一般買得到的味噌也可以用. You CAN use almost any kind of Miso. see what you already have or buy whatever that’s available at the store near by.

FILE (7) 準備白芝麻粉. 芝麻粒放入研磨機打成粉. put white sesame into a grinder to make it powder.如果買得到的話, 我建議買 “生”白芝麻. 自己煎味道好很多!! 研磨機沒有的話可以直接用刀子切成粉 for better flavor, you can use unroasted sesame. roast it yourself and grind it. it gives way much more sesame flavor!! If you don’t have grinder, use knife to chop it into coarse powder!

FILE (8) 白芝麻粉&砂糖 放入味噌裡面. Put miso,white sesame, sugar into a bowl.砂糖的量要看您用的味噌. 如果您用白味噌[西京味噌類]的話.減量一點.. you can adjust the sugar mount depending on what kind of Miso you are using. If you are using white sweet miso, you may want to reduce the sugar amount.

FILE (9) 水, 味淋放進去 攪拌確認混合好.. Add water and Mirin whisk well, make sure all the seasonings are mixed well.

FILE (10) 處理好的蒟蒻用牙籤串起來.. 調好的味噌醬淋在上面. 撒海苔粉,白芝麻,七味粉 Skewer the konjak on toothpicks. spread some prepared miso sauce on the surface and sprinkle seaweed powder, white sesame, nanami powder individually.

*我還在學習中國語, 我寫的文章可能不太清楚, 大家請忍耐一下, f(^_^;) 我希望寫部落格能讓我的國語進步. 謝謝!!


  1. JHAOHENG says:

    你的中文很好~中英文同步 其實還不賴!!加油~看你的網誌絕得還蠻舒服的

  2. Hayley says:

    有很多菜 (就像這個)都不是容易找得到的。。
    加油! (:

  3. Cici says:

    Thanks for putting English subtitles! I don’t have to translate for my friends any more :) I was trying to show them how authentic Japanese food was made.

    Not sure if you stayed in Toronto, but there is a new sake store opened recently in distillery district. We are actally making fresh sake in Toronto!

    We all love your food and your website is so awesome. Keep it up!

    Cici from Toronto

  4. Akira says:

    Hi Masa,

    我是素食者,現居住德國,在這裡的Bio shop 可以買到日本的調味料,不過有些來自日本的調味料不太清楚要怎麼料理 …. 有好幾個問題想請教您 ,希望不會帶給你太多麻煩// XD danke !!!

    1. Mugi Miso 是個怎樣的味增呢 ?? 我只知道它是深色的大麥味增。通常跟什麼一起煮呢 ??

    2. Ume Su 從包裝上看(德文xd ),它的作用類似梅醋,怎麼跟食物搭配呢 ??

    3. Genmai Su 一樣也是醋,不過它是米做成的醋,要怎麼使用呢 … ???

    THANK YOU !!!

  5. Sharon says:

    hi Masa, your recipe is very clear and good to have nice pic.
    Dont worry about your chinese, your chinese is very good as well.
    BTW, i wanna ask what is the difference between “Miso” and “Mirin” ?

  6. Sharon says:

    and also , one more question.
    I know you publish some books about cooking.
    However, i am a Hong Kong resident,
    can i buy it in H.K. or China??

  7. Hi Sharon!
    Miso is fermented bean paste. it’s salty seasoning.
    Mirin is made from rice. it’s also fermented but sweet, and it’s liquid.

  8. Hi again!
    I believe my books are also available some parts of H.K. or China. you may want to check on the search engine! thank you! ^^

  9. Excellent post. I was checking constantly this blog and I am impressed! Very helpful information specifically the last part :) I care for such info a lot. I was seeking this certain information for a long time. Thank you and best of luck.

  10. Gen says:


  11. Hi Gen!

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